Gabi Garcia and Steroids – a Good Example of Drug-Induced Masculinization

Gabrielle Lemos Garcia (“Gabi” or “Gabis”) is an athlete who practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu. She has incredible physical strength and muscle mass. Both haters and fans agree that a big and strong woman uses steroids. In this article, we will talk about her path in sports and how anabolics affected her femininity.

Life Path of Gabi Garcia

Gabriel is from Brazil. She was born in the southern part of the South American country on November 17, 1985. At an early age, she showed a sincere interest in team sports – volleyball and handball. For a while, she was even a member of a local hockey team that won many major tournaments. At the age of 13, the girl moved to Sao Paulo. There she took up jiu-jitsu. Her first coach was her own uncle. He supported her desire to achieve high results.

Gabis impressed the audience and rivals with her pressure. She quickly began to collect titles. The young girl no longer had any doubts about which career to choose. She was able to combine training and studying at the university. However, in her senior year, she had to take a sabbatical because jiu-jitsu required more and more time from her. Her mentor at the time was Fabio Gergel. Gabi’s parents supported her, despite the fact that martial arts are not the most typical occupation for women.

Gabis is a large woman. With a height of 187 cm, she weighs 107 kg. She is a real bundle of muscles. Such parameters allowed her to win, but this contributed little to the love of the audience. In a David versus Goliath fight, they always favor the smaller athlete. However, Gabis failed to live up to their expectations each time. This upset the athlete, but did not deprive her of inspiration and zeal to win.

In 2009, Gabrielle, having an injured knee, tried herself in World Grappling Championship. The trauma caused terrible pain, which could prevent her participation in the final. Struggling with this trouble, she had the courage to take part in the conclusive fight with Emily Wetzel and win it. Garcia ranked the highest positions in all championships. Among her recent trophies, there are World Championships, Pan America, Brazilian Championships and ADCC.

The main achievements of the Brazilian star are:

  • nine-time World Champion (2013 in her bodyweight & absolute category, 2012, 2011 and 2010 in her bodyweight & absolute category, 2008);
  • six-time Champion of the Pan American Tournament (2013, 2011 & 2010 in her bodyweight & absolute category);
  • four-time Champion of Brazil (2011, 2010 in her bodyweight and absolute category, 2009 brown);
  • Double No Gi World Champion in 2009 and 2008;
  • two-time World Jiu-Jitsu Pro Cup Champion, held in 2010 and 2011);
  • in 2011 she was recognized ADCC champion;
  • Europe Champion (2011 TOP champion among the black belts).

Gabi Garcia’s Confusion at Weigh-in

Gabi Garcia became the culprit of the scandal that occurred at the weigh-in before the fight as part of the Japanese promotion “RIZIN”. The audience witnessed an incredible show. On December 29, 2017, Gaby was 13 kg heavier than everyone expected. The reason for this could be anabolics. Her rival, experienced MMA fighter Shinobu Kandori (神取忍), shouting “Shame!” ran out of the room. The fight was cancelled.

Garcia was shocked no less than the audience and the opponent. She went into hysterics, bursting into tears. She apologized to the fans, explaining that she had problems with blood pressure before the fight. She desperately tried to lose weight, but she failed. This did nothing to improve the situation, but at least Gaby was able to express her respect for the Japanese public and the Japanese MMA legend.

Dramatic events continued in the sub-tribune room. Her sincere regret did not touch the promoters, and Shinobu Kandori was furious. RIZIN applied tough sanctions to the Brazilian athlete.
In December 2018, Gabis faced Barbara Nepomuceno (“Babikick”) at RIZIN 14 at 226 pounds catchweight. The huge woman left no chance for her opponent. She finished the fight already in the 1st round. This led to another confrontation with Shinobu Kandori.

Gabi Garcia’s 2014 Doping Test

On March 26, 2014, it became known to the whole world that Gabrielle used doping. The US Anti-Doping Committee released the results of the testing of athletes who participated in the 2014 World Championships. This came as a surprise to many, because in public Gaby Garcia constantly spoke out against doping and steroids. The athlete stated that she did not know that the drugs she was taking contained prohibited substances. She never tried to achieve victories in a fraudulent way. Medicines were prescribed to her by a gynecologist. The woman could not ignore his recommendations.

The Anti-Doping Commission took note of her explanation. Most likely, she was able to provide evidence of her treatment. The decision of the supervisory authority turned out to be rather mild: “The commission took into account the facts that preceded the audit. The presence of clomiphene in Gabrielle’s blood could be due to careless handling of drugs before the championship. The woman lost the silver medal of the World Championship without any additional sanctions.

Gabi Garcia, Steroids, and Masculinization

In one of his famous podcasts, the American Joe Rogan (who also is a steroid user who “came out”) said Gabrielle no doubt had been using anabolic steroid hormonal preparations to gain the significant muscle mass. He’s not the only one who thinks so. As a result of training, the athlete really had some masculine traits. However, she tries to emphasize her femininity. Gabi even created an account in Only Fans, where many men follow her. Therefore, we recommend that you independently take one side or the other. We have no official evidence of Garcia’s use of steroids or other illegal drugs.

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